Saturday, December 13, 2008

Making overt what other politicians make covert

Jack Shafer at Slate puts it well:

"If Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich is immediately guilty of anything, it's of making overt what other politicians make covert, and doing so while the wiretaps roll." Read the rest here.

Is Blagojevich inept at playing the game? It seems so. Is he corrupt and rightfully destined to join his Illinois gubernatorial predecessors in prison? It seems so. Does anyone believe Blagojevich is unique in conflating his personal interests with his elected duty?

Today's exhibit A: Senate Democrats had enough Republican votes to pass the auto bailout but not enough to provide political cover, so no go. Read the rest at the Weekly Standard (via Instapundit). Either the auto bailout was in the best interests of the US and their constituents or it wasn't. Not proceeding with a vote because there wasn't enough "cover" seems to be the same game, albeit in a legal and socially acceptable form.

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