Sunday, January 4, 2009

Top reading recommendations from 2008

I recently (ok, so not so recently) asked friends to send me their favorite reads from 2008. There's something refreshing about seeing what people are reading - a glimpse into another side of friends and colleagues one often doesn't get. Since I didn't ask for permission to cite the comments for each recommendation, I've included only titles and authors here.

Here's my completely arbitrary selection of the Top Ten (Plus Two):

1. Winter’s Tale, by Mark Helprin.

2. The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb.

3. The Spectator Bird, by Wallace Stegner.

4. The Wild Braid, by Stanley Kunitz.

5. Fieldwork (a novel), by Mischa Berlinski.

6. The Long Walk: The True Story of a Trek to Freedom by Slavomir Rawicz.

7. The Leopard, by Guiseppe Lampedusa.

8. Three Cups of Tea: One Man’s Mission to Promote Peace…One School at a Time, by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin.

9. The Kite Runner.

10. Presentation Zen, by Garr Reynolds.

11. God Particles, by Thomas Lux.

12. (a blog recommendation) More than 95 theses.


Mariah S said...
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Mariah S said...

8 and 9 were both impactful reads. 8 much lighter than 9, but eye opening none the less.

careyrowland said...

Interesting inerview earlier this week with Nassim Nicholas Taleb in NYTimes. I'm supposing you saw it.
The Black Swan that we now see is a phenomenon about which I am surprised to have seen no comments by Biznet MBAs thus far.
There is quite a lot going down now. What's up?
CR, author of Glass Chimera

careyrowland said...

The Taleb interview is published in Washington Post, Sunday, March 15:
CR, author of Glass half-Full